Coromandel Peninsula
Time: 2 hours return
Grade: Easy
Start: End of Wentworth Road at car park
This track follows the Wentworth River, starting at the end of the Wentworth Valley Road. The track is an easy grade with two bridged crossings before climbing to a good view of the falls. The falls are two drops of 20 metres. You can continue along a steeper section of the track to the basin at the top of the falls where you can go for a swim.
PLEASE Prevent Kauri Die Back Disease Spreading.
After visiting Kauri trees please do the following:
1. Clean all dirt off footwear, hiking pole, tyres and equipment before and after a visit to a Kauri Forest
2. Stay on tracks at all times and away from Kauri roots. Walking and disturbing soil around the roots can spread the disease and damage fine feeder roots.
Please keep our Kauri alive for future generations. Kia Toitu He Kauri.
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